Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I'm down for the Do Wacka Do!

So I have decided I'm going to sign up for the Do Wacka Do in Erick Oklahoma!  It's a 50k and will be my one and only long training run before the Pumpkin Holler in October.  They have a 50 mile run as well, but I just don't think I need to risk that.

 Either I'm going to do the 100k or not.  I have already paid for it, so decisions have been made.  I plan to go slow and stay hydrated and fed and hopefully I'll pull off the 62 mile race before the cutoff.    The only thing I have to do is finish.

So training run in OK .  I'm going to try to get in another 20 +  miler on trails this weekend.  I plan on picking up an extra bladder for my Camelback this weekend so I can switch it out mid run. For the 50K I plan on packing two and switch them out so I get a fresh supply of Endurolyte without having to remix it.

I'm going to pack a ice chest with after drinks as well, a blanket and some folding chairs.  I'm beginning to do everything like I plan to do for the races.  I also plan to pack Fig Newtons, Peanut butter and Jelly Sandwiches, and maybe some Cheezits.  I like Cheezits....

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