Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Marathon Day

So with my training done, clothing picked out, laundry done, dinner pre-prepared and the house cleaned.  I embarked on my first marathon.

When I described all this to one of my friends, about the house cleaning and dinner preparing, she stated "You were preparing for death!".  I guess I was.  I was prepared for how I was going to feel after this thing was done.  Driving home after running 26.2 miles and functioning for the rest of the evening.  I did not want to have to do anything but sit, and eat my prepared dinner...

So of course I was overdressed for the day, too many layers of clothing because you are worried that you may get stranded in the middle of nowhere, lost, injured and thus left for dead at mile 18 with absolutely no shelter....

 Well, that did not happen.  I simply shed the outer layer and tied it around my waist at mile 18.  I trudged along at a very very slow pace, drank water, had my Gu, and completed the race with little to no hoopla.  It was pretty uneventful.  I drove home, of course, sore, washed off the salt that had accumulated under my eyebrows in a hot shower and settled on the couch.  My finish time was 5 hours 23 minutes....

I called my brother,

Me: "Hey, I did the marathon today."...

Brother "Oh, that's cool"

Me "yeah,  want to come over for soup"

Brother..."Mmm I don't think so"

Me.."Ok, well I'll have leftovers if you want 'em"

After hanging up I thought to my self....I can do better than 5 hours 23 minutes.  So I decided to register for another.

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