Thursday, July 19, 2012

I think running makes me smarter... Where running and Religion meet...

I often say to my co-workers, my job should pay me to run.  I figure out how to solve most of my work problems when I'm running.

I also seem to come up with answers to all the worlds problems, discover amazing parallels and come to complex conclusions. 

Now, a lot of my conclusions seem to come about politics, equality, women's rights and religion.  And if you know me you know I'm not religious at all.  And I do tend to offend lots of people with my conclusions and opinions.  So if you are easily offended by someone debunking religious doctrine, blasphemy, and downright disrespect for most things religions...please go away now.

When I go out for a run, one of the major things that gets brought to my attention by fellow runners and non runners alike is "Be careful", "Don't run alone","you should not be out there at night".  Many things like that.  I know the neighborhood and the places I run are full of wild animals, bears and dogs.  Well, dogs mostly that could chase me and knock me down and kill me, but for some reason I don't really think that is what they think I should be fearful of.

Another point.  I don't know if men are given this same advice.  If any guys out there who are runners are reading this, please chime in....Are you afraid to run alone at night or any other time?  Are you, male runner, advised in the most sincerest way to use the "buddy system"?  Do people tell you that you should not be running along?  Ever ?  I would venture to say that most of the times that advice is reserved for female runners.  and why?  what is to fear? I guess....That, other than the bears and dogs are the only other things it could be.

I have been lead to believe through my life I should fear men, men attack, rape, mug, kill.  mostly rape because they see you running and automatically think its an invitation to rape you.  I know its not really presented that way but....BUT...when you hear about a rape or many times do you hear..." she should not have been out there alone"  in other words "It was her fault for presenting herself for rape"  Come much as you say "That's not what I meant!"  it is what you really meant!!!   I get asked, "Do you not run with pepper spray to protect yourself?"  I say..."well, we have leash laws in the city"  most of the time that is not what they are thinking .  They are thinking that a man could attack me an rape me.  AND it might be my fault because I was running alone, in the dark.  It sounds scary just typing it!

(Whats even worse is when the most vile and crusty of onlookers will cite the runners clothes...short shorts....jog bra...OMG  seductive clothing....she was asking for it!!!  but I don't even have to go that far in this argument)

So we have presented the argument that women should not run along because men attack and rape.

Now AT THE SAME TIME....the SAME PEOPLE....who happen to be of certain religious persuasions...(Roman Catholic).  Understand that the church (Catholic Church), teaches strict laws about Birth control and abortion.  Now I'm not going to argue pro-choice vs anti-choice laws here, I'm simply stating the position of a very large and influential governing body that has a LOT of impact of public policy in this country.  They teach AGAINST birth matter what....Even for married couple who can have sex whenever they want.   When I was going to a Catholic high school I was taught that the only acceptable form of birth control under the church was the rhythm method.  Basically what this means is that you don't have sex when you think you may be fertile.  So picture this.  A man and a woman, married, obviously attracted to each other, living under the same roof, sleeping in the same bed BUT the man is not supposed to have sex with his wife when she is fertile.  He is to be the master of self control and if that couple does not want any more children the ARE NOT to use birth control and not have sex while the woman is ovulating.

Ok...I gotta call bullshit here.

So, if a man can sleep with a fertile woman, side by side in bed, be with her in the kitchen, see her getting dressed, watch her walking across the living room while the light shines through her dress and not have sex with her then why the hell should I be afraid to go for a run..

Why? Why does the church teach this?  Well, I have come to a conclusion.  In most cases, rape is not about sexual attraction.  It is about power and asserting control over a victim.  The Catholic church as been in control for so many year as a male dominated entity.  Unfortunately, they have deemed themselves impotent with the whole celibacy thing...

The First Lateran Council (1123), a General Council, adopted the following canons:
Canon 3: We absolutely forbid priests, deacons, and subdeacons to associate with concubines and women, or to live with women other than such as the Nicene Council (canon 3) for reasons of necessity permitted, namely, the mother, sister, or aunt, or any such person concerning whom no suspicion could arise.
Most cultures control their women through laws; denying the right to vote, own property and get credit under her own name.  Well, in the US, we have broken down those barriers and women can pretty much live their own lives and do whatever the hell they want without men, including have a child (sperm bank).  And when we got the right to terminate an unwanted seed in the 1960's that put the fear of women in the male dominated they had to go under the radar with their control methods.  The church had to determine a way to get back their male dominated validity intimidating women in another way.    So what can you do if you can't use your penis to control women?  Take away their reproductive rights!

The only way that the church can keep women from exercising their only defense against a male aggressor, her ability to terminate his seed, is to shame, guilt, and vilify her into thinking she is a slut for wanting to ...

So when women start to become a little too powerful in a society, the church rears its ugly head with a strong conservative push to eliminate birth control, abortion rights and anything else that gives women any control over their lives.

 "Its your fault you got raped, you dressed to seductively, you went out for a run alone at night"  Guilt, shame, BULLSHIT!!! 

So, my conclusion is.  Taking away reproductive rights is simply the churches way of denying women any defense against male dominance, Teaching shame and fear is how they enforce it.   These though patterns are so engrained in the human psyche that even non Catholics are buying it.

... "you should not run at night, you could get attacked or raped"....

...."If a married couple does not want any more children they should not have sex while the woman is fertile"

How do these two statements even exist in the same culture?  Why are women buying this bullshit?  They contradict each other so much that I think if they got together they could create dark matter!  Yet it occurs...

I hope we begin to evolve from this so that the next generation can live with out fear, guilt and shame. 

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