Sunday, April 12, 2015

What exactly is this Race Across Arkansas?

So I was meeting my friend in a coffee shop to listen to a poetry reading and she first mentioned it to me.  "Ya know, you should do Race Across Arkansas with me"....

So Race Across Arkansas is part of a larger Race Across the US put on by Run Walk Events. Run Walk Events is an organization that puts on races and provides sanctioning, insurance and fundraising portals for events to raise money.   The Race Across USA starts in Southern California and ends in Washington DC, a marathon every day ( with some rest days)  to raise money for the 100 Mile Club.  The 100 Mile club is an organization formed to help fight childhood obesity by encouraging kids to run 100 miles during the school year.

So, the fee to enter is $240 with a $400 fundraising goal.  No small commitment.  The Arkansas portion is 6 marathons in 6 days with a 2.77 mile run on the 7th day.  No small feat, right...

When Andi mentioned it I was a little speechless and could not wrap my brain around it.   I left the poetry reading in a fog trying to work it out in my brain.  I had not told her yes or no yet.  But  I was leaning toward a big fat NO.

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