This morning, I woke up knowing I was not going to run out at Lake Sylvia on trails. For some reason I had the urge to run the Rivertrail and listen to my iPod. I really wanted 20 miles and I wanted to run most of it.
Here is the thing...if you run trails, you pretty much have to walk a lot. Its advised that you actually walk up most of the hills, especially if you are going for a distance longer than 26.2 or if the trails are very technical. Technical trails are a bitch to run and it's easy to come home with a twisted ankle or bloody knees at least.
I have done 10 miles and 15 miles on trails since recovering from my knee issue. Those runs were great and confidence boosting, but there is something about running the long distance on roads without stopping to walk. Now granted, I did stop twice to refill my water have to do that when It's 100 degrees outside. I did stop and walk a small bit up the hill on the Two Rivers Bridge when I felt a twinge in my knee. But only for a short time. Not even a quarter of a mile. For most of the run I was running.
This is what I needed today, to prove to myself that I could run long, full out, on asphalt as I did before the injury. And that is what happened. Now here is the rub. I don't know exactly how far I went or how fast I ran because my Garmin died before mile 1 was even done. Yep, "Old Reliable" let me down. It said it had a full charge on it yesterday at work but when I went to turn it on I got the "Low battery screen of death"....I almost cried...
But I went anyway. Had a great run. I ran for about 3 hours at probably a 10 minute average pace when you consider some of the walking I did and the stopping to fill up water bottles and re adjust headphones and stuff like that.
It was a good day!
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