Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sooooo whats next???? Cajun Land

So no sooner have I recovered from this 100K, I find myself looking for another run.  I think I want to do the 100K again.  It seems to be a great distance!  So poking around on the Ultramarathon website I find several prospects.  One quite close to my cousins down in Lake Charles.  The Cajun Coyote.  It's December 1 and 2.  Yep, Its the same weekend as St Judes, Nope, I'm not registered for St Judes and I'm kinda glad now!

This one appears to be 3,  20 ish mile loops around the swamps of Chicot State Park.  Pretty Flat, dirt trails....swamps...hmmm could be kinda scary at night...

But I'm contemplating it.  I feel like I want to do another 100K before I ever consider increasing my distance.

Hopefully my recovery will go smoothly and I'll feel like running again in a week....heck, I feel like running now but I know better.

My recovery has been swift!  Monday I felt terrible, fluelike, hungover and jetlagged.  Also pretty sore in the calves and quads.  Yesterday I felt good as new, with just a little residual soreness.  I actually met my friend to walk after work.

Today I'm looking for another Ultra to run.  This is a strange sickness....

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Post Punkin'

So after the hoopla died down, the race organizer gave me my medal and took my chip away.  Thank goodness...  Phil went off to get restocked for his last loop.  I assured him his last loop was going to fly by like lightning!  I hoped it would.

The organizer told me to go step over by the camp fire and stay warm, it was 2 am and there were two early 100 mile finishers (yeah, they are not human) sitting by the fire with some others who had finished the 100K and the race director, a few friends and family supporters.

There were a couple of runners there who had been at the Do Wacka Do there ...I talked to them for a second, realizing I was in a little bit of a daze and needed to shake out of it.  I was still sweaty from the run and needed to put on dry clothes before I cooled of in the night air. I knew Tala would be coming in soon, but still should change to keep from getting chilled.  I hobbled over to my car and thought....."Return Text Messages"!.

I had seen Annette Blanton during my halfway point at the start finish and she emphatically insisted that I text when we finished to let her know we were OK.  That was the first thing I did.  I sat in my car and sent as many text messages as I could remember to send at that time.  Then, I leaned out of the car and hobbled over to the showers that fortunately Eagle Bluff was kind enough to leave open for us.  My hip flexer was killing me and I could not raise my right leg more than a half an inch off the ground.  I got into the shower and attempted to rinse some of the trail dust off my feet to put on dry clothes.  The water was semi warm and I did not want to spend too much time in there because moths were swarming around.  I finally got dressed, put on yoga pants, a long sleeve shirt, and a long sleeve jacket with a hood.  Droped my stuff by the car and hobbled over back toward the fire.  As I was approaching the fire a nice young man came up to me and said.  "That's quite a limp, are you OK?"  I said, well my hip flexer hurts pretty bad.  "Thats typical" he said, where ya heading?"  I replied, "Over by the fire" .  He said, "Do you want a chair?"  I said "Yeah, I guess, I have a chair over there with that bag on it. You can just put that bag on that ice chest and I'll use that"

He was so nice, he got the chair, sat it by the fire and then asked me if I needed anything to eat.  He brought me a cup of chili, and a bottle of water, the chili was delicious, I ate almost all of it.  And I sat in the chair and stayed warm waiting for Tala to get in.

Not long after Tala rolled in, and after some initial confusion over a lost timing chip she finished shortly after I did.  Apparently she had forgotten her chip when she changed her socks at the half way point.  Then I unknowingly disrupted the scene by moving the bag off the chair.  We searched for the chip in the dark for about 10 minutes then I finally went back to the race director and asked if anybody had turned in the chip, finding it on the ground.  He looked at me and said "don't worry about it.  Go to your hotel and sleep.  If it turns up it turns up, if not....big deal"  I was so thankful to hear that, I told Tala what he said and we packed up and drove back to the hotel.

Finally after showers and texting, I got to sleep at 4 am....dozing off I was wishing I had closed the curtains on the window...but I was too tired and sore to bother....Oh well,

It had been a good day.

And just in case anybody was wondering....other than a sore hip flexer, her is a summation of my injuries from the 17 hour journey:

one scratch on my left leg....

That's it.  Not a single chaffed place, not a single blister (which I thank the new shoes for) not even a bug tiny scratch that I don't even remember getting....

Yeah, strange!  :)

Pumpkin Holler Hunnerd Part 2

So I left the start finish area, slowly, a slow walk.  My Garmin had been showing low battery so I left it at the start finish area because it would most likely die before I completed the second loop.  I did not want to carry the extra weight of a dead garmin around for 20 miles.

I decided to try a caffeinated Gu to get me over this hump.  A risk because Gu can make me nauseous in the heat.  I slowly sipped on it and let it dissolve on  my tongue as I walked the gravel road.  A man passed me in a red shirt,  he had a 100 mile bib on.  I did not envy him.

As the Gu kicked in I sped my pace some and eventually caught up with him.  We walked and talked and when the downhill hit we ran.  I decided at that point, I would do my best to stay with this person.  If he did not mind.  He had to reach certain goals by certain times or else he would miss cut off times.  This would keep me on pace.  I stuck with him and we talked about the course and the heat and other things and he said "It will get better when it cools down" and I took him at his word and carried on.

We got into Mad Dog aid station where I had a bathroom break and got my camelback refilled.  My friend got away from me some as the aid station people had a little trouble with my camelback and it took them a while to refill it, but I caught him on the large downhill out of the area there and continued to follow him.  I did eventually ask if it were OK if I stuck with him and he was said "of course!"...His name was Phil.

Phil and I continued our walking up hills and running downhills and flats to 6 mile aid station at the out n back and the sun was setting.  This aid station had chicken soup.  I was still partially recovering from my sick feeling from the heat earlier and finally felt I could take some soup and I'm glad I did.  The broth was warm and super salty.  It hit the spot!  We headed out on the out n back and decided it was headlamp time.  I had my Black Diamond in my pack and a bandana.  I slipped off my headband and tried like an idiot to tie the headband which blocked my view.  Next time I'll do this a little earlier in the day for sure!  I was veering into the ditch, blinded trying to tie my bandana.  Phil was laughing and trying to keep me on a straight course.  Finally getting that situated and my headlamp adjusted I decided to keep the setting on low beam, as the high beam could signal aircraft. 

Coming back from the out n back I saw that Tala was very close behind me and that made me feel better.  I knew she was close.

We got back to the 6 mile aid station, got more soup then carried on.  Phill was beginning to lament a rock in his shoe so I noted that at the 13.4 aid station I had a drop bag and I would restock my gu and stuff and that would give him lots of time to get the rock out.  He thought that was a great idea.  We made it to 13.4 and did out things, got our soup, restocked and refilled and carried on.

Getting out of the aid stations was the challenge and I was glad Phil was with me to keep me going.  I did not want to hold him up and he was quick out of the aid stations.  That was a real help.  I'm sure I would have added at least two extra minutes to my time per aid station if he had not been with me.

We left out of the 13.4 and I was thinking....I'm 3/4 done....I'm 3/4 done.  Unlike poor Phil who still had another 31 mile loop to go after this one.  I did not want to gloat too much, but at this point I was feeling amazing.  No stomach issues, not really tired, I felt peppy and alert!  It was great!

The two miles of pavement came upon us.  It was not nearly as bad as it was before.  Being dark and much cooler.  It never got cold enough that I though I needed a jacket though.

After we passed the pavement we came upon that 20 mile aid station again. The one with the bathtub rocks.  When we passed the chairs to get to the food table to get some soup I saw a young kid sitting in a chair with his head between his knees.....Yikes I thought....He went out too fast, got hot, can't feels like shit....At least that was my assessment.  I was pretty much right.  He was in the 100 mile race so had, like Phil, another loop to do after this one.

We chatted, had soup and I was in a really good mood , knowing I was withing single digits of my finish.  We headed out and the kid decided to go with us.....Yikes!

Phil had to help me over the bath tub rocks this time.  I nearly fell in.  We hopped and jumped to the other side and the kid hopped and jumped with us.  He had sat still for so long he was shivering in the cold.  I was hoping beyond hope he did not fall out on us or get really sick.  As selfish as it sounded, Phil and I were making good time and I did not want anything to mess that up.  ( I know....It's really bad of me).  But when I found out the kid had not done more than a 50K before registering for this 100 mile run I had no sympathy......nope....

There was one more aid station between me and the finish, 6 miles of darkness.  I was getting anxious and there were a couple steep climbs I had to get over.  My right hip flexer started to give me problems.  It hurt when we walked, so oddly enough, it motivated me to run more.  We continued our walk run, not holding back for anything.  Downhills get run, flats run, uphills, walk.... After another hour the dark started playing trick on your eyes, the headlamps made it worse.  I was walking on the left hand side of the trail near the brush and shadows do strange things to the overly fatigued.  As We got closer,  my spirits began to lift to annoying levels.  I was laughing and talking and making jokes.  I'm sure Phil and the kid wanted to knock me down in the poison ivy.

We got to the lollypop stick of the course, a mile and a quarter from the resort.  I was running almost 100 percent at this time.  I could smell the hay!  (sure I had been smelling hay for 15 miles, but this was actually the good kind of hay).

Getting to the iron bridge, the kid was infront of me walking.  I knew I had to get ahead of him because he was not going to be in my photo puking his guts in the back ground nor walking in front of me.  I told Phil, "I'm running it it!"  Phil was like OK and went with  me.  Phil was welcome in my finish photo cause he had let me stick with him for 31 miles!  Had it not been for him I would have been rolling in an hour later.  for sure!

We ran around the park, past the cars and tents, I saw the orange colored pumpkins and through the chute!  I was done.  It was such a great feeling...Done!  and I felt great!  Of course my hip flexer was screaming, but who cared!!!


Monday, October 22, 2012

The Pumpkin Holler Hunnerd! Part 1

Alarms went off at about 4:45 and I got out of bed and headed to the shower.  Tala was up as well and milling around in the room.

I got dressed, in my black LuLuLemon Pacesetter skirt and Swiftly Tech t-shirt.  My camelback bladder was in the fridge filled and ready to go as well as my Pedyalite drinks.  We muched on a bagel with peanut butter and had coffee from the hotel breakfast area.  The morning was very quiet and uneventful.  We got up, got ready and gathered our things for taking out to the car.  We stepped out side into the 39 degree weather....yikes...much cooler than I expected but I guess that's a good thing.  As we were leaving I filled up one last time on coffee and grabbed a banana.

Just for grins, I tossed the new shoes I had purchased the day before into the car, thinking, it would have to be a really really bad situation with my current shoes before I decided to change them, but I'll take them just in case.  I'm glad I did.

We made the 15 minute drive out to Eagle Bluff resort and parked in the ever growing lines of cars parking in the lots near the cabins at the start/finish area.  We got a good spot, right at the end of the sidewalk that led away from the congregation area, we could watch what was going on without even getting out of the car.  It was perfect.  We got there in plenty of time, got out of the car to wander up to the tables an tents where the registration/packet pickup/ chip pick up was.  We got our chips and ankle straps,  put our drop bags in the appropriate places for transport out to the 13.4 mile mark and headed back to the car. . 

After that we just waited and watched people come and go, looked for our other Arkansas friends, chatted with them.  Got back in the was cold outside!

When 7:50 rolled around we got our camelbacks on and headed up to the start finish area.  Took some photos and then at 8 am we were off!

So this was the plan....Run no faster than a 10:00 minute pace...ever.  When I walked, try to stay as close to a 15 minute pace as possible.  Eat and Drink....Have Fun!  That was it.

Tala and I positioned ourselves toward the back of the pack.  Avoid the adrenalin of the front runners.  We began at a comfortable pace out of the park and across the iron bridge that went over the beautiful Illinois river.

I have to stress how beautiful this course was.  The leaves were changing, the sky was clear and blue, there was a warm breeze cutting into the chill.  We ran through vast pastureland with marshmallow shaped bales of hay dotting the hills.  Cows munched grass and stared at us in amusement as we ran past.  Broken down barns and old horse trailers slept along the roadside, and the grass was still green and lush.  Every turn held a beautiful picture.  I was completely in awe of this course.

There were hills , rolling hills, and one very steep hill that was added as an option.  The Great Gourd Challenge.  This would bring your race to 63 miles instead of the mediocre 62 you may have settled on.  After the slow climb up the hill you signed your name on a large poster board with a PROOF that you completed the challenge.  Back down again, you got your Challenge Completion button.  I pinned mine on my skirt with pride!  :) 

There were Aid Stations!  Great Aid stations, and since it was a two loop course, I got to visit them twice.  The Mad Dog had ginger snap dog biscuits that were the most delicious cookie I have ever eaten on the run!  I had two.  They also had peanut butter and jelly sandwich which I enjoyed.  At 6 mile aid station before the out n back they were frying up pancakes.  I passed on them and chose to munch my mixed nuts and candy corn instead.   I had another peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  I had cheese nips at mile 18 and a pickle.  All the while munching on my nuts and candy corn.

Between miles 13 and 18 Tala and I chatted with a lady named Susanne.  That's the fun of these long runs, you meet the most interesting people, and make new friends.

At mile 18 I ended up getting separated from Tala.  I listened to my Ipod most of that time.  When the afternoon rolled around, in rolled the heat.  It reached 81 degrees on Saturday...completely not what I was expecting.  I kept working at staying hydrated as I crossed the most horrible part of the course.  Two miles of pavement. It was terrible, hot, lonely and ....terrible.  I did my best to run the downhills and flat parts, but the heat was killing me.  Seeing the end of that pavement and the next aid station at mile 20 was a welcome site.

I got to the aid station and talked to the volunteers a bit.  I probably stayed there the longest recovering from section in the heat.  I had an entire orange.  It was wonderful and cold and drank cold water ...then moved on.  Over the bathtub rocks, an interesting phenomenon where the river carves out bathtub shaped bowls in the rocks over time.  It was a little scary to cross.  with deep drops between the raised sections you had to hop over.  I stopped for a minute in the middle and looked down into the pools.  It was like nothing I had ever seen.  But I had to move on....there was one last aid station before I was back at the start/finish area.  I felt terrible from the heat.  I wanted to quit when I got to the start area.  I got my bag and drank my pedyalite, restocked my gels and candy corn.  Then went on. I went passed my car on the way out and at the last minute I took stock of how I was feeling.  The worst of my pain was in my feet.  My feet were rubbing, painful and hot.    I decided to take a risk...a calculated risk...

I changed into my new trail shoes, purchased from the day before....

It was and Asics, lightweight trail-shoe with more cushion in the sole.  They were clean and dry and felt great on my feet.  It was a quick decision, but one I would appreciate.  As I was leaving the park I saw Tala, she was carrying on...and so was I.

Well, It's done!

So...all the training and preparation since March has lead to the following weekend. 

Friday morning my friend Tala and I set out toward Tahalaqua OK.  I had been repeatedly checking the weather all week to make sure I packed the proper clothing for running .  I printed the maps, set the location on my phone, printed my race registration, printed packet pickup info.  I packed clothes and all kinds of things for my drop bag. 

After testing and trying many different foods during my training, I ended up with things that either I never tried before, or things that got me through marathons.  I gathered snack sized bags of fig newtons (which I did not touch during the run for some reason after training all summer with them).  Gu with caffeine, candy corn and mixed nuts, honey stinger waffles and bottles with Pedialyte.  I picked up extra sling packs from my office using my safety bucks. 

I decided to have two drop bags, one that would stay at the start/finish line and another that would go out to mile 13.4 aid station.  I had extra socks, body glide, gu and snack pack pudding in each bag, plus a bottle of mixed up pedyalite. 

Easy, and straightforward. 

So we rolled into Tahlaquah and checked into our hotel.  We left to go get some lunch and a wonderful lunch place in downtown Tahlaquah called Vidalia's.  It is locally owned, paninis, baked potatoes, delicious desserts.  Nice and clean with a beautiful patio. 

We then did a little downtown shopping.  I made a new trail shoe purchase (which later turned out to be a great idea), and a few other things.  We then drove out to Eagle Bluff Resort (another great idea) to see how far of a drive we were looking at in the morning.

When we got back from our drive, it was time for packet pickup and we proceeded to the Presbyterian church where the tables with boxes of manilla envelopes, stacks of t-shirts, race bibs, and entry forms scattered tables. 

We quickly gathered our things, chatted with the organizers, asked a few questions and then took off back to our room to chill out for the evening. 

This is prep time.  The time to load up drop bags, pin on bibs, gather shoes and socks and get them organized for a stress free morning.  After the work was done we watched food network, charged our electronic devices and surfed the internet.  Very uneventful...that's the way we roll!

When 9:00 pm rolled around we finally slept.  setting our alarms for 5 am so I would have time to take a shower.  Then we went to sleep dreaming of finish lines!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The time draws near...

So tomorrow my friend and I leave for Tahalaquah OK (or however you spell it) for our 100K.  I do not have any specific ambitions for the trip except to feel like continuing on after I run the first 31 miles....

We have to loop around the 31 mile course twice, which means passing the start / finish area.  This will be the biggest challenge of the run.

I kinda feel partially trained for this event.  I missed my 50 miler because I was injured for most of the spring.  I did  one extra very challenging 50K...The Do Wacka Do.  So I'm hoping that will be enough.  I did do some very long runs along with that and maintained a 40 mile per week average more the most part. 

I hope it's enough....

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Hello, I just noticed I have been getting hits from Germany.  Hello, Germany!  How did you come to find this blog?

Monday, October 15, 2012

So, less than a week away

Sorry I have not been posting much lately.  I'm simply in a waiting game now.  I had a nice weekend of running: 5 miles on Saturday and then 7 on Sunday.  The weather was nice and I'm trying to keep my pace slow.

It's strange....I actually have to train to run slow.  If I jump into this 100K busting out 9:30 minute per mile pace, I will screw the whole run.  I have to stay around an 11:00 minute per mile to be able to sustain my nutrition and strength to the end.

I know that in order to get 62 miles done, I will have to eat several times along the course and the key is never running so hard you drain the blood away from your stomach to your extremities.  Once you do that you cannot digest food.  That's fine for a marathon but for anything longer, its the kiss of death.

So I'm training to run slow.  ...slow...slow............

Monday, October 1, 2012

Wonderful Weekend of Running Cont.

I have to apologize if this is boring, but heck...its my blog so deal. 

Saturday was a somewhat rest day with a nice relaxing 5 mile walk downtown with my friend Lorraine.  We shopped and had coffee, stopped in at the finish line of the Big Dam Bridge 100 mile bike race which was finishing up downtown.  It was too early for much to be going on down there yet so we moved on.

Sitting downtown and having coffee in a semi outdoor cafe downtown and having great conversation is a wonderful way to start a Saturday.

After that I got back home and walked Frisco for a long time. We started around the block then saw a sign for an estate sale and followed that.  It was about a mile off our course but that was fine.  I had no other plans for the afternoon. 

We got to the house and it was a ranch style home on Leatrice.   I entered through the garage where some folks were sitting with a cash box and some others wondering around picking up and examining items, putting them down, turning and asking questions....

seeing nothing of interest in the garage I entered the home. 

It was probably built in the late 70's early 80's.  Wood paneling covered the walls, and there was thick brown carpeting covering the floors.  The kitchen was completely had not been remodeled or even painted since the house was built I assume.  Dark wood cabinets, linoleum floors. old appliances.  This house most likely belonged to an elderly couple who raised their children here, who had either recently passed or moved to assisted living.  Time moved on around them and they, unknowingly, let the house slip back in time as well.   Probably the liked the look of it and had no care to change it.  The children had no care to keep the house, remodel the house or update it.  It stood stuck in time and the items for sale were mostly worthless sentimental items standing as witness to the homes forgotten state.  Record albums, teapots, plant hangers made of macrame and wicker.  Some broken accordion doors.  a few dishes that everybody's grandmother had, salt and pepper shakers, old tools.  The once loved and used articles now exposed and held up for strangers to pilfer through.  What a sad way to go.

Estate sales are sad . Yesterday these items were a families possessions and memories, now they will go to whomever will give a buck fifty for a stack of books.  

Needless to say I bought nothing.  I did not see the need to carry any of this into the future with me.  So it stayed in the house.  Frisco and I carried on with our walk.

Wonderful Weekend of running

I had an absolutely wonderful weekend of running.  Not so much that I logged a lot of miles, but that they were good quality pain free miles.

Friday morning I ran in my neighborhood for the first time in months.  It was so lovely getting back to my hilly Midtown runs.

I live in an older area of Little Rock called Midtown.  It's a relatively new designation.  About 20 years ago, this part of town was considered "West" Little Rock.  I remember driving to the shopping center I now live across the street from when I was a kid and thinking I was so far away from home.  I lived in North Little Rock at the time and the drive from my neighborhood to this dentist seemed like quite a haul at the time.  The area looked so nice and upscale...It was quite an experience.  Now I live across the street in a new development neighborhood.  Funny how things work out.

It was referred to as West Little Rock because it was the sub urban area west of downtown, south of the really wealth old money homes.  It was developed in the 1970's and 80's, mostly ranch style homes with some colonials mixed in.  Some of the homes date back to the 1950's in the northern eastern end of the area.  If you go further east the homes date back to the 20's 30's through 1950's.

Now, west little Rock is much further west.  In the 1990's development began to sprawl even further west.  New McMansions went up fueled by the housing boom of the 90's .  New neighborhoods with winding streets, pie shaped lots and cul de sacs were created to make absolute most efficient use  of every scrap of land that was not a drainage creek or too steep to build on. We never saw anything like it.  Not a  tree was left uncut and the lots were sodded and minimal standard drainage was snaked through the new "wealthy" housing developments.  I was working in Engineering at the water department at the time thinking, who is purchasing these homes, most way over $100,000 that seemed like tons of money at the time.  Some homes were going for half a mil in the elevated areas with nice views of Chenal Mountain.

So, west went west and old west is now Midtown..which I LOVE.  there is shopping, everywhere grocery stores and coffee shops withing walking distance.  A mall withing a mile of my house.  The area is busy which I love.  I am a city person.

It is also very hilly.  When I run my neighborhood it is a hill workout.  So getting back to this run was such a nice change.  I love being able to step out my front door and get a five mile hill workout.  I can run to the heights if I want, Hillcrest is only a couple miles away.

I'm a Lucky Girl!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Just a little set-back

As I posted earlier in my blog.  My running addiction came about due to weight loss, and finding an efficient exercise method to burn calories.  My research always came to running.  It works better than walking because you can simply get more miles in during a work out.  I have heard that a mile is a mile when it comes to calorie burn, although, I feel running up hills burns more calories than running on flat. 

So I hover around 115 on my weight, at least I did for a long time.  I figured the weight increase from 110 to 115 was normal for someone running 30 miles to 40 miles per week due to muscle gain and needing to have more calories to run.

Recently I got on a scale that said 123....yes....123...Ok, I never ever ever approved a 123....

How did this happen?  This can't happen.  I'm not liking this at all!

This was yesterday...and I will not forget this because I wanted to cry. 

So I have decided to, for the next two weeks put forth a concerted effort to reduce my calorie intake as much as possible and still maintain my running.  I want to lose 5 lbs before the end of October.

I plan to go high protein because that seems to keep me satisfied longer.  I purchased a carton of Egg Beaters, some fat free cheese and bacon bits and that was my breakfast this morning.  I got a head start by keeping my calorie intake under 1500, today I hope to be around 1200....

I'm pulling out all the stops, using all the tricks and playing all my cards.  I cannot let the weight creep back on me.  Cannot....I have worked too hard and done too much to get to where I am. 

I will win this battle....

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Do Wacka Do

My alarm went off at 3:30am on Saturday morning.  Yes, this is normal for me.

I got up and turned on the weather channel to get a sense of things outside.  It was 65 degrees in Western OK, I got up, showered and got dressed in my LuLulemon Pacesetter skirt, and swiftly running shirt, packed my gear and luggage into the car, chatting with the early morning cleaning staff and desk attendant at the hotel.  Fortunately it was not to windy outside.

I checked out of my hotel and drove the half hour to Erick's Sandy Sanders Wildlife management area.  Of course I was there way ahead of schedule and the organizers had not yet come out with the bibs yet.  I could tell this was going to be a laid back event since the start finish was not even assembled yet.  I talked to a few volunteers who had arrived early and since I had gotten there before any body else, I had my pick of the parking.  Some runners had driven out the night before and slept in their cars, and they had not begun to stir yet.

The temperature was dropping, a cold front was moving in and the mercury had dropped three degrees in the last hour and I was shivering standing out side so I decided to wait in my car for more activity to develop.

I ate half of a peanut butter sandwich while I waited, I had my camel back ready and an back-up bladder in my ice chest, and tried not to fall asleep!

Finally more cars started to pile in and as 6:30 approached I was seeing people congregate around the port-a- johns.  I decided to go and take advantage of one of those before getting in line.

Finally 6:50 rolls around and I decide to mosey to the start line and the organizers were just setting up the start line area, I gave a little chuckle at how completely laid back this event was.  Volunteers were in good spirits and not in any hurry at all.  Everybody was friendly and having a good time.  I chatted with a girl who was doing the 25K as we waited and finally the race director made is announcements.  A humorous course description, warnings about snakes and wildlife and then the customary shooting of the rifle.  The person who comes from the farthest location gets to shoot the start rifle.  Then we were off.

The course started nice enough.  The usual crowding and adrenaline induced way-to-optimistic pace setting.   I took the opportunity on a couple up hills to walk and let the speedys go around me.  Don't want to be around the chatty speedy folks and was finally running in peace on the red and silver colored trail.  The trails were some-what smooth with occasional crevasse, no large rocks to speak of.  all in all very runnable.  There were some places the gypsum layer was exposed and revealed an almost smooth covering on the road that looked like it was laid in by hand.  There was a lot of dust, cactus, short scruffy trees, but no shade.  After about 30 minutes of running the sun blazed over the bluffs and I slipped my sunglasses off my head and over my eyes.

We ran on into the bluffs and canyons, there were large outcrops of gypsum and mica that streaked within the layers of red dirt and dust.  One patch of trail glittered with mica as we ran over it.

There were about 3 significant climbs that lead up the sides of canyons we navigated, with the reward of expansive mountain views of the western Oklahoma landscape.  We were exhausted, but it was well worth the effort.

The second loop was way more challenging than the first.  Of course.  The hills seemed hillier, the ground seemed looser and the cacti seemed pricklier!  But I was helped out at the end by a runner who was no more eager to bound up the hills than I was and we walked, ran and talked together for the last 8 miles or so.

I also  created a lot of new friends, Dianne Bolton, the sparkle skirt woman, Chris , and Mouhmed, a very enthusiastic Palestine transplant from Minnesota/Jacksonville.  It was a Lot of Fun!

I finished the 4th female out of 6 female finishers, 7 hours and 36 minutes, 15 or so minutes better than my War Eagle performance.  I got 2nd in my age division!

My trip was a success.  I thoroughly enjoyed the town, the run, the after party, and my traveling and shopping before and after.  It was a wonderful and peaceful trip,

I drove back to OKC after the race, checked into my hotel there, showered and located a sushi restaurant.  Scarfed some tuna, salmon and rice, sipped hot tea and updated my Facebook page.

After that I slept really really well, and headed home the next day.  I'm so happy to be a runner!

The Do Wacka Do

Wow! Great Weekend!

I have to hand it to the folks in Erick Oklahoma, they put on a really nice race!  I also have to completely rejoice in the fact that two days post run, I'm having no knee pain and hardly no PF pain.  I can say that after running and climbing over 31 miles of gravely, fragmented bluffs and buttes in the Breaks of OK I'm healed.  Now I just need to stay this way. 

I have to say driving to Erick OK was a snap.  I started very early from Little Rock, so I could get the bulk of the driving in before the sun got really high in the sky.  I was in Ft Smith before I knew it and stopped for gas.  I was apprehensive about keeping my car fueled because I had never driven I-40 that far west before.  I know what to expect driving on I-30, but this one was newer to me.  It was a welcome change however.  I crossed the OK border and onto OK City.  I stopped for another bathroom/gas break before I went into OK City and navigated the highway interchanges and traffic I had to pass by pretty easily. Before I knew it I was back in open country again west of OK City.

At this point I was expecting it to get really long and boring, but I was pleasantly surprised by the towns and interesting landscape, massive windmills, pasture land and geology.  I also absolutely had to stop at the Cherokee trading post to shop.  I pulled in and of course took photos of the 40 foot wooden Indian statue towering over the parking lot, posted to Facebook. of course....

The store was impressive, feasting me to beautiful handmade pottery that was wayyy to expensive and lovely silver hand inlaid jewelry.  I finally settle on an adorable pair of coral stone and silver turtle earrings made by the Zuni tribe.

After my shopping I was off to Sayre, where my hotel was.  I took an early exit and ended up driving through downtown Sayre, saw City Hall and the court house.  I continued on through the town and found the hotel, checked in, dumped my bags in my room, and immediately sought out food.  Since I saw nothing of culinary interest in Sayre, I just went across the street to the Denny's for lunch., so I could get on the road to Erick fairly quickly.

In Erick, I took the Roger Miller Memorial Highway  to downtown and ran smack dab into Historic Route 66, found the Museum and went inside. The ladies at the packet pick up were extremely nice and I looked around the museum.  After that (on the suggestion of the organizers at the museum) I decided to drive down to the Sandy Sanders WMA to see  where I would be going in the morning and I'm glad I did.   I got an idea of exactly how far it was going to be and how long it was going to take me.  It was quite a drive, I'm happy I did it and only made one wrong turn.  After viewing the start finish location I stopped at an old cemetery I saw on the way down and took some photos.  It was peaceful and sunny, with a brisk breeze, I love days like this!  I spent about an hour in the cemetery just reading headstones and wondering what life was like and what those individuals saw during their years.  One ladies life spanned almost 100 years from the late 1800's to 1979.   Many headstones were of lives cut very short,as either infants or small children, a reminder of how harsh life could be in the Mid west in the late 1800's . 

After spending some time with the dead, I went onto to visit the living!  I was told about a shop in Erick that was a locally owned staple of the community.  Oleta's , was a small yet overly stuffed gift shop with everything from beannie babies to cooking appliances. purses candles, scarves, jewelry, pot holders, pots and pans, and dishes. She was wedding shower central and had one in the works with gifts to choose from and gifts chosen and already gift wrapped waiting to be delivered to the shower.  As I was shopping two ladies walked in for shower gifts.  Oleta pointed them to the table stating that it was not mandatory they choose from the table, but those were on the regestry.  A UPS man came and delivered packages and Oleta was buzzing on the phone about incoming orders.  I'm sure if there was anything you needed in Erick Oklahoma, Oleta could get it for you.  She lead me around the store, modeled a scarf, and told me about new and sale items. I purchased a scarf and a candle.

After that I headed back to Sayre to get a good nights rest before the Do Wacka Do!.....

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

On another new product!

Its called ZipFizz and its great for promoting hydration on the every day.  I would not recommend it for race day as it has fizz in it!  :)

Yes and you will totally look like the guy on the webpage if you drink it.  lol!  It's tasty, I have had the orange and grape and mixed them with 32 oz of water for day to day hydration.


So its not long until I embark...

on my next running adventure.  The drive will not be bad.  Just about 7 hours or so, two hours past OK city.  I'm excited about it.  I'm taking a mini vacation to run a 50K. 

I will be sure and post along the way and hopefully keep my blog updated.  Since it wont be a long trip I don't know how much posting I'll do.  Right now I'm in preparation, mental that is.  Making shopping lists and deciding what I'm going to wear.  What food I'm going to take for pre race.  Looking for good places to eat post race.

I'm not getting into specifics because it's too close to the event and I don't want to jinx myself!  :)


Monday, August 27, 2012

Running in Wichita Falls

So I traveled to Wichita Falls TX to hang out with my brother while he rides in the Hotter n Hell bike race. I'm not a bike rider so I initially registered for the half marathon on Sunday.  After reconsidering the steep drops and climbs on the bicycle course we were going to be running on I decided to not run it and focus on getting back to Little Rock in time to pick up Frisco.

So I did however manage to get in two really decent runs in Wichita Falls while I was there.  The first day, Friday morning I went out and found a really quaint subdivision behind the hotel.  I ran down the main frontage road to 82 until I met with a road that took me back into the neighborhoods.  The homes were newish, about late 90's all brick with enough variation in the architecture to not make them look cookie cutter.  There were sculptured bushes and manicured lawns, the streets were wide and flat which made for good running.  I worked myself into the south eastern corner of the neighborhood and I noticed one house had a two foot white cross made out of wood stuck in the ground in the mulch.  I was like "hmmm, that's strange..." .  I continued running and saw another white cross in another lawn.  My though was..." Well at least they are not on fire"...I continued to run and noticed that EVERY house on this street had white crosses stuck in the ground in front of the homes.

Now I don't know about you, but when I see this I think of 1) The KKK - cross burning, segregation, white hooded figures terrorizing their neighbors who happen to be a different color or religion from them.  and 2) Nazi Germany.  Christian/white dominance and discrimination.    When I saw streets lined with white crosses a streak of fear ran through me as if they were trying to intimidate.  It felt freak'n scary!  I felt like I was being told that only Christians live here and every body else better get the hell out or at least pretend to be Christian by sticking a cross outside your home, cause if you ain't got a cross in front of your home folks are gonna talk.

Discrimination comes in many forms.  While these folks with the crosses never probably out-right though of their crosses as coming across as hateful or discriminatory,  to a Hindu or Muslim family perhaps looking to purchase a home in that area, it is a clear and loud statement.  Christians Live warned...

I am not of any faith and I felt threatened, imagine how somebody feels who is of a different faith, one that is not of the cross bearers...

Perhaps they did know it was scary to outsiders, maybe there was a reason for the crosses and they wanted to make a subtle....ha...not so subtle statement.

From my limited knowledge of history, the Nazi movement began very subtly also.

What do you think?  I certainly did not run that way again  I got the heck out and did not go back.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Ugh! Earbud Hell!!!

Ok, The Yur buds failed me this morning. 

One issue right now is that the R and L have worn off them and It's hard to tell which goes in which ear.  And ever since the left yur bud blue thingie fell off, I cant get it back on properly to stay in my ear.  So this morning I went out for my normal two rivers run and it started to rain on me.  The left yurbud, not having a good seal immediately separated from my ear and began to loosen.  By the time I was three miles in, it was falling completely out of my ear.  I got so annoyed by it I finally had to take it out and tuck it into my shirt and go single eared. 

I was so angry, I mean for what I payed for them they should perform better.  So I'm on the hunt for something new...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Back to Earbuds...Repost

Update!  Re posted this because you may not see it if I update on the old post...

Still using the Yurbuds.  It appears that if the blue cover comes off and you have to put it back on, you have to pay attention to the rotation of the blue thing on the bud.  If the blue thing is not lined up properly, the stem of the earbud will not be positioned correctly on the outside of your ear and that little thing at the base of your ear can push the earbud out.  So ...if your having this problem experiment with the rotation of the blue thing on the helped me....

Where were the deer?

Ok, so I went out on my usual early morning run at Two Rivers Park this morning and there was not a deer to be found.  WTF?  Don't they know that their job at 6am is to provide ambiance for my morning run?  I feel so let down by the wildlife community today....

Oh well.  One white tailed bunny did show up for the party and bounced around on the west loop.

I felt good this morning, my 6 miles went really easily, although I did not experience the 7:40 phenomenon.
 I ran into Karen Hayes!  She was banged up from a fall she took on a recent 50 mile training run.  It happened at mile 44 of her run so she was almost finished.  Otherwise she said the run went great.  I knew it would.... :)

I have no new music to report.  I'll look at more on Friday.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Well, nothing to worry about

This mornings run turned out to be better than expected.   The twinges in my knee did not come back.  I started with some friends and we ran 2.25 miles then did quarters for 2.25 miles.  Then we ran until we hit 6 miles.  I felt great, enjoyed the run and had no issues.

Things are looking good for fall races... still not talking much about it though.  Don't want to jinx myself....

Monday, August 13, 2012

A bit of worry...

So in an earlier post I noted I was recovering from a knee injury.  Well during my last long run I got some touches of the pain back.  I'm a little worried.  At the end of the run I was not in any pain but it occurred, just slightly, during the run.  It may not have been the same pain.  I figure there are a few reasons for this:

1. My camelback is too heavy and causing my posture to be bad while its full
2.  My shoes were old ( I just got a new pair).
3.  I cut back on my anti-inflammatory meds...they were giving my stomach issues....
4.  I'm hyper sensitive to ANY pain in my knee right now be it related to the injury or not.
5.  My knee knows I registered for the Do Wacka Do and its protesting

I'm taking today off, taking my full regimen of meds and going for an easy run in the morning.   I kinda wish I were running alone in the morning because of this, I don't want to let on that anything is wrong with my knee and I don't want to try to run too fast or too anything,.....

I just don't want to feel any more pain...

New products to try!

I have to tell you about a new product I tried on my long run this past weekend.  It is a G series product called Gatorade 01 Prime Cinnamon Raisin Flax

Here is the link to the product:Raisin yum

They were small, yummy and perfectly digestible.  I was not dealing with extreme heat when I used these, but they seemed to work well and digest easily.  The only problem was packaging.  After you open it, you are left with a tiny plastic tray you must either carry with you or locate a trash can for.  I don't like that. Seems like they could do better on a product indented to be used on trails and hikes.  Oh well.  A win on flavor and digestibility though.  Give them a try.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Really excited today...The Magic curve and the 7:40 mile phenomenon!

So a week or so ago I was running with my friend, our usual run from ADEQ on Tuesday mornings.    I was feeling pretty good and we were rounding the parking lot to top off our mileage, just talking about normal things.  I felt like we were moving pretty good and looked at my Garmin and the pace said 7:42.  I did a double take, looked at the device again and sure enough...we were doing a sub 8 minute pace as we finished off our run.  I told my friend this and he said, "yeah, it does feel kinda fast" .  I was surprised that after 11 weeks of hardly no running, a few weeks of very conservative running, I slipped into a sub 8 so easily.   I figured mostly because I was running with my friend and we have a tendency to push each other when we run and try to hurry and get done before time to head home.  So I just wrote it off as a fluke.

Earlier this week, I was running my normal Two Rivers run and experienced the same thing.  I was coming back toward my car, rounding a corner, looked at my Garmin and saw 7:40 again.  Wait, I'm alone....why am I running a 7:40?  Maybe I saw that wrong, because I definitely did not feel like I was pushing very hard.  I completed my run, want to my usual park bench and stretched before driving home.

So I went out again this morning to perhaps mimic the same conditions that produced the 7:40 phenomenon, I was going to pay attention to my pace during the whole run this time.  The run started out very conservatively.  About 9:40 going out, It was humid and dark, very dark.  I seem to naturally slow down in the darkness.  I made a right turn on the other side of the bridge, circled around the end of the island.  While I made my way into the first dark section of forest I could see deer crossing the path.  I slowed to keep away from them.  As I ran past, one decided I was not enough of a threat to move and she just stood on the trail while I ran around her.  After the loop, or the "Needles eye", I made my way to the open section before the second forest area, still pulling around a 9:40.  I ran all the way into the park, turned left looped around the West side walk way and then back.  I was reading low 9 minute pace.  I guess gradually getting warmed up plus the rising sun helped me run faster.  I could see better so that helped.  So I still had not seen anything under 8 minutes. I was beginning to think I had been imagining the whole thing.

So I continued back out of the park, passing other walkers and runners who had gradually began to make their way into the area.  Through the swamp, the hay field, the swamp again, then to the pine forest.  This is where the magic seems to happen.....While coming back I saw my pace dip into the low 8's a couple times.  I was thinking..."hmmmm  This may happen..."  After exiting the pine forest, there is a small hill you run down to make the curve around the end of the island.  This is where the pace drops, like magic, I looked down and saw the 7:40!  It was there, it was real!  And it did not feel difficult at all!  I looked down again, 7:31!!!  I just kept going down...then I hit the hill at the foot of the bridge and I slowed.  The hill is the where the magic ends.    I'm going to now call that part of Two Rivers park, The Magic Curve!  Let it be written, let it be done!  :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Headphones, earbuds, yurbuds

Here is where I will review headphones, and earbuds because it seems I'm going to be having problems in this department.

My first pair was, of course the little white ones that came with my iPhone.  You know the ones I'm talking about.  Those stylish little wires that snake around your neck and into your pocket attached to your iPod.  I don't know how long people wore those things until somebody finally said "this shit hurts"...To make them stay in your ears you have to wedge them in as deep as possible to the chagrin of every ear nose and throat doctor ever who tells you never to put anything smaller than your elbow inside your ear.    Remember the kid in grade school who got the bean stuck in his ear?  That guy..yeah, don't be him.

So even with those little white things crammed into your ears, when you get really sweaty, they fall out.  How can something be wedged into your ear so tight it hurts pop out when it gets sweaty?  It's not fair.

So some friends recommended the Yurbud.  These little blue boogers will set you back about 30 bucks, but if they work and are comfortable, its worth it right?  My friend who works at the running store carefully measured my ear and helped me select the right size.  They come in sizes ya know.   Cool, right?

So I popped these into my iPod and performed the little twist maneuver to get them set securely in my ear and started off on a very hot afternoon.  Well, they were great!  They sounded good, they felt good, they stayed in.  I used them for several more runs until at the end of one particularly hot sweaty run I went to pull them out of my ears, and the right one came out ok, but the left one, when I pulled on it, the speaker part came out, but the rubberized contoured speaker cover that sets in your ear stayed!  I was that kid with the bean stuck in his ear!  I stopped and panicked a little and finally pulled the thing out.  I worked to get the rubber cover back over the speaker and thought I was successful at repairing it, but on my next run the speaker fell out again and the rubber stayed.  Again I fixed it and again it fell out.  Now the whole thing keeps falling out of my ear.  Just the left ear, the right ear works great.

So again I'm in search of a new pair of earbuds.  I'm reluctant to go back to the running shoe store because I'm embarrassed at what a mess I made of the yurbuds...  Oh well.  We'll see what happens next.  I hope to try skullcandy or another brand next.  I'll let you know.


Still using the Yurbuds.  It appears that if the blue cover comes off and you have to put it back on, you have to pay attention to the rotation of the blue thing on the bud.  If the blue thing is not lined up properly, the stem of the earbud will not be positioned correctly on the outside of your ear and that little thing at the base of your ear can push the earbud out.  So ...if your having this problem experiment with the rotation of the blue thing on the helped me....

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I'm down for the Do Wacka Do!

So I have decided I'm going to sign up for the Do Wacka Do in Erick Oklahoma!  It's a 50k and will be my one and only long training run before the Pumpkin Holler in October.  They have a 50 mile run as well, but I just don't think I need to risk that.

 Either I'm going to do the 100k or not.  I have already paid for it, so decisions have been made.  I plan to go slow and stay hydrated and fed and hopefully I'll pull off the 62 mile race before the cutoff.    The only thing I have to do is finish.

So training run in OK .  I'm going to try to get in another 20 +  miler on trails this weekend.  I plan on picking up an extra bladder for my Camelback this weekend so I can switch it out mid run. For the 50K I plan on packing two and switch them out so I get a fresh supply of Endurolyte without having to remix it.

I'm going to pack a ice chest with after drinks as well, a blanket and some folding chairs.  I'm beginning to do everything like I plan to do for the races.  I also plan to pack Fig Newtons, Peanut butter and Jelly Sandwiches, and maybe some Cheezits.  I like Cheezits....

Monday, August 6, 2012

Entire running playlist as of right now....Don't Judge...

126 songs, 9.5 hours, 1.13 GB
Name Time Album Artist
Tu Sabes 9:59 Gigolo Music LTD 13 Eduardo D'Alirio
Not Again 7:08 Gigolo Music LTD 13 Hard Ton
Cat & Mouse 5:13 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Hit Me 6:59 Gigolo Music LTD 13 Romina Cohn
Zen (feat. Inja & Skuff) 3:54 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Love Wish 9:13 Gigolo Music LTD 13 Phil Kieran
The Clock 5:11 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Overestimation 7:20 Gigolo Music LTD 13 Herman Schwartz
Children (feat. Chiddy) [NOW What's Next... 3:14 NOW That's What I Call Music, Vol. 40 V.V. Brown & Chiddy
Glad You Came (Bonus Track) 3:18 NOW That's What I Call Music Vol. 41 The Wanted
Cat & Mouse (Version 2) 7:11 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Chocopop Jazz 8:22 Gigolo Music LTD 13 Christian Prommer
Hold the Dub 4:15 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Der Strom der Zeit (DJ Hell Extended Club... 4:05 Gigolo Music LTD 13 Gilla
Giant Pickle 4:27 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Understand This Groove 6:20 Gigolo Music LTD 13 SoundFactory
Fix That Speaker 4:53 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Listen Up (feat. Broken English) 3:28 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Rocking Chair 5:58 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Baila En La Disco 3:04 Las Más Picudas del Tribal DJ Zant & Maycot
Drive By 3:11 Now That's What I Call Music, Vol. 42 Train
Bunch of Keys 10:27 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Cumbia Sabrosa 3:09 Las Más Picudas del Tribal DJ Morphius
Stockport Carnival 5:30 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Disturbia 3:59 Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded Rihanna
Re-Bokk Robot (Hannah Holland Remix) 6:19 Gigolo Music LTD 13 POSH! The Prince
This Way (feat. Pete Simpson) 5:32 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Costeño Digital 2:24 Las Más Picudas del Tribal DJ Morphius
Feet 8:16 Gigolo Music LTD 13 Rampa & Re.You
Not Over You 3:35 NOW That's What I Call Music Vol. 41 Gavin DeGraw
Kalimba 5:51 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
It's All Part of a Bigger Plan 1:47 Florida Diplo
Diplo Rhythm (feat. Vybz Cartel, Pantera ... 4:53 Decent Work for Decent Pay Diplo
Give Me All Your Luvin' (feat. Nicki Minaj &... 3:21 Now That's What I Call Music, Vol. 42 Madonna
Love You Like a Love Song 3:06 NOW That's What I Call Music Vol. 41 Selena Gomez & the Scene
Give Up To Get 6:45 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Kings Cross 6:15 Gigolo Music LTD 13 Snuff Crew
Boys Boys Boys 3:21 The Fame Lady GaGa
Baby (feat. Vybz Kartel) 3:27 Decent Work for Decent Pay Diplo
Sorry for Party Rocking 3:23 Now That's What I Call Music, Vol. 42 LMFAO
Blackout 3:28 NOW That's What I Call Music Vol. 41 Breathe Carolina
Hold On (feat. Andreya Triana) 5:04 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
A Riot of Chrome 6:15 Gigolo Music LTD 13 BDI
Indian Thick Jawns (feat. P.E.A.C.E.) 3:56 Florida Diplo
Percao (feat. Pantera Os Danadinhos) 3:16 Decent Work for Decent Pay Diplo
We Run the Night (feat. Pitbull) 3:47 Now That's What I Call Music, Vol. 42 Havana Brown
International Love 3:45 NOW That's What I Call Music Vol. 41 Pitbull & Chris Brown
Get On Down 5:54 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
El Ritmo De La Costa 2:40 Las Más Picudas del Tribal DJ Morphius
The Whistlerz (Diplo Remix) 4:17 Decent Work for Decent Pay Claude Vonstroke
Turn Up the Music 3:44 Now That's What I Call Music, Vol. 42 Chris Brown
Bang the Floor (feat. Danny Breaks) 3:43 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Ghetto Fab (Original Mix) 7:53 Gigolo Music LTD 13 Danny Daze
Diplo Rhythm (feat. Vybz Cartel, Pantera ... 4:53 Florida Diplo
The Fame 3:42 The Fame Lady GaGa
Veni Vidi Vici (Diplo Remix) 3:42 Decent Work for Decent Pay Black Lips
Feel So Close 3:22 Now That's What I Call Music, Vol. 42 Calvin Harris
In the Dark 3:45 NOW That's What I Call Music, Vol. 40 Dev
Nice Up the Function (feat. Roots Manuva) 3:56 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
When a Man Sings On a Track 8:36 Gigolo Music LTD 13 Douglas Greed
The Golden Age 3:50 Fruit The Asteroids Galaxy Tour
Session Two 4:34 Free the Robots - EP Free the Robots
Money Power Respect (feat. P.E.A.C.E) 3:52 Florida Diplo
Page 1 of 2
Name Time Album Artist
Beautiful, Dirty, Rich 2:52 The Fame Lady GaGa
Set It Off (feat Lazerdisk Party Sex) 4:00 Express Yourself - EP Diplo
Way More Brazil 3:20 Decent Work for Decent Pay Diplo
Turn Me On (feat. Nicki Minaj) 3:20 Now That's What I Call Music, Vol. 42 David Guetta
Mr. Saxobeat 3:12 NOW That's What I Call Music, Vol. 40 Alexandra Stan
Stereo Hearts (feat. Adam Levine) 3:30 NOW That's What I Call Music Vol. 41 Gym Class Heroes
Whiplash 6:01 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Shut Up and Drive 3:32 Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded Rihanna
Right and Tight (Original Mix) 6:10 Gigolo Music LTD 13 Hrdvsion
Lonely Traveler 4:20 Free the Robots - EP Free the Robots
Way More 5:56 Florida Diplo
Butters Theme (feat. Billy the Gent & Long... 4:27 Express Yourself - EP Diplo
Heater (Diplo Extended Edit) 4:30 Decent Work for Decent Pay Samim
Firework 3:48 Teenage Dream Katy Perry
What Makes You Beautiful 3:17 Now That's What I Call Music, Vol. 42 One Direction
You Make Me Feel... (feat. Sabi) 3:32 NOW That's What I Call Music, Vol. 40 Cobra Starship & Sabi
Domino 3:49 NOW That's What I Call Music Vol. 41 Jessie J
Hairy Bumpercress 6:31 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Lucky (Hot Stuff Long Mix) 5:23 Lucky - EP Lucky Twice
Mueve Tu Caderita 3:13 Las Más Picudas del Tribal DJ Morphius
Yoga Fire 2:56 Free the Robots - EP Free the Robots
Poker Face 3:57 The Fame Lady GaGa
Express Yourself (Instrumental) [feat. Nick... 4:38 Express Yourself (feat. Nicky da B) - EP Diplo
Move Around (feat. Elephant Man & GTA) 3:14 Express Yourself - EP Diplo
Solta O Frango 2:16 Decent Work for Decent Pay Bonde Do Rol?
California Gurls (feat. Snoop Dogg) 3:55 Teenage Dream Katy Perry
Brokenhearted 3:46 Now That's What I Call Music, Vol. 42 Karmin
Without You (feat. Usher) 3:27 NOW That's What I Call Music, Vol. 40 David Guetta & Usher
Donkey Ride 5:14 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Promises (Skrillex & Nero Remix) 4:29 Me and You - Single Nero
Don't Stop the Music 4:27 Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded Rihanna
En Memoria a Santiago 7:17 Gigolo Music LTD 13 Adriano Patane
Jazzhole 3:45 Free the Robots - EP Free the Robots
No Problem (feat. Flinch & My Name Is Kay) 3:39 Express Yourself - EP Diplo
200 2:25 Decent Work for Decent Pay Diplo
Welcome to the Funk (Original Mix) 7:21 Welcome to the Funk - Single Kid Culture
Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) 3:51 Teenage Dream Katy Perry
Good Feeling 4:06 Now That's What I Call Music, Vol. 42 Flo Rida
I Wanna Go 3:29 NOW That's What I Call Music, Vol. 40 Britney Spears
Music Takes Me Up (feat. Alice Russell) 5:28 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Me and You (Steve Angello Remix) 6:25 Me and You - Single Nero
Lucky (Extended Mix) 5:25 Lucky - EP Lucky Twice
Diary 3:59 Free the Robots - EP Free the Robots
Big Lost 4:39 Florida Diplo
LoveGame 3:36 The Fame Lady GaGa
No Problem (feat. Flinch & My Name Is Kay) 3:39 Express Yourself (feat. Nicky da B) - EP Diplo
Barely Standing (feat. Datsik & Sabi) 4:43 Express Yourself - EP Diplo
Put That Pussy On Me (Diplo Tonite Remix) 3:42 Decent Work for Decent Pay Spank Rock
Daftjunk (Original Mix) 6:41 Welcome to the Funk - Single Kid Culture & Thomas Robson
Teenage Dream 3:48 Teenage Dream Katy Perry
Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) 3:39 Now That's What I Call Music, Vol. 42 Kelly Clarkson
Moves Like Jagger (feat. Christina Aguilera) 3:21 NOW That's What I Call Music, Vol. 40 Maroon 5 & Christina Aguilera
Sexy and I Know It 3:18 NOW That's What I Call Music Vol. 41 LMFAO
Test the Sound 1:41 Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait Mr. Scruff
Me and You 4:08 Me and You - Single Nero
Ai Se Eu Te Pego 2:45 Las Más Picudas del Tribal El Pelon Del Mikrophone
Transformation (DJ Hell Remix) 8:17 Gigolo Music LTD 13 Tim Deluxe
Listen to the Future 3:22 Free the Robots - EP Free the Robots
Florida 1:37 Florida Diplo
Just Dance 4:02 The Fame Lady GaGa & Colby O'Donis
Express Yourself (feat. Nicky da B) 4:38 Express Yourself (feat. Nicky da B) - EP Diplo
Newsflash (feat. Sandra Melody) 3:03 Decent Work for Decent Pay Diplo
Back In Time (From "Men In Black III") 3:26 Back In Time (From "Men In Black III") - Si... Pitbull
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More running tunes! Great Training!

This morning I started my run from Two Rivers Bridge again.  I love running from there, you have a mostly flat course, you can do 4 miles, 5 miles or 7 miles in the park before you come back over the bridge and its full of wonderful life, deer, armadillo, frogs, snakes and possum.  At 5:45 its getting daylight (getting later and later each morning).  Daybreak in the park is so glorious because when you come back east the sun is coming up over Maumelle across the river and this morning it was a wonderfully large orange ball with ridges of purple and blue coming from.  Just above the sun stretches the 4.30 bridge joining little rock and North Little Rock with the constant noise of cars beginning the weekday rush hour.  Oblivious to me.  I feel sorry for them because they are not where I am.  Oh well, maybe they get their opportunity later in the day.

Anyway Today's music brought to you by:


Mr Scruff

Gigolo Music LTD 13

Mr.Scruff Ninja Tuna With Bonus Bait


Las Mas Picudas del Tribal


Monday, July 30, 2012


I'm thrilled to be running well again and getting my training back on track.  I feel however, that the slightest wrong move can re aggravate my injury. 

Early next month I'm scheduled to go with my brother to the Hotter than Hell Bike ride in Wichita Falls Texas and there is a half marathon taking place there that I ran last year.  The most I can remember about this race is the steep roller coaster hills we had to climb up and down.  The race takes place on an off road bike trail. 

My fear is re injuring my knee on one of these steep drops Then not being able to participate in the Do Wacka Do trail 50K in September and possible my Pumpkin Holler in October. 

I will still go, maybe I can get a run in on the road while Jerry is riding his bike.  Who knows. I'm really nervous about running it.  But I may be just paranoid.

What do you think?

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Long run training today...seeing co-workers and ..death of an iPhone, and a homeless guy sleeping in a van...

Today my friend and I began our run at Lake Sylvia like usual.  Crowds seemed scarce on the trails when we started at 5:15 am in the dark.  I had a small headlamp I use for times when we run in the morning and the sun is approaching.  I also had a couple small led flashlights we carried for extra light.  They are lightweight, they have clips for your hat or other parts of clothing and can be easily stowed when not in use.  They are available for cheap at Academy Sports and are great for situations like this.

We started up the hills at a brisk walking pace, the wind was blowing and it seemed very pleasant.  I had filled my camelback to the brim with water and about 4 scoops of endurolyte powder.  The powder is great for me because I don't like to swallow the capsules or worry about remembering them. For me this is easier.  I know I'm getting some electrolytes every time I drink water and it does not taste like anything. 

We took a turn to go toward lake Winona toward the low water bridge and up in the distance, I noticed a van parked on the road.  The trails we run are really forest service roads so it is not uncommon to see utility trucks, trucks with boats and other people out and about.  We got closer and realized it was not a utility truck but a van from Ohio, with all the doors open for ventilation I guess and a guy sleeping in the front seat.  I guess we startled him because he jumped up and said "Hey"...when I passed.  I said "hello" and kept walking.  My friend was a few paces behind me and he said "Hey" to her also and she looked at me and quickened her pace.  It was bazaar, what was he doing there?  Was he just homeless and looking for a cool place to sleep for the night?  He was still there when we passed on the way back.  No interaction.  I guess he was sleeping in this morning.  You see the strangest things. 

So we got to an intersection and I wanted to get my bearings on the map so I pulled out my iPhone to pop up the map.  I have pretty good service on the forest service roads.  It can be spotty, but on the hilltops ( and there are a lot of hilltops) service is pretty good.  I pulled up the map and got the info I wanted.  There are plenty of signs where we run so we never really fear getting lost, I just wanted to see it.  I was very sweaty and I keep my phone in a plastic bag when I run with it on the trails in case of rain, excessive sweat or anything else that may damage it.   I did not think my own sweaty fingers would be to the demise of the phone.  I was putting it back in the pocket, over my shoulder and it slipped out of my sweaty fingers.  My friend tried to dive for it but it was too late and it fell face down on the gravel.  She picked it up and I asked...."is it broke? Please don't be broke"  It was shattered.....shatterd and the screen was a very neausous shade of gray....with a big orange spot where the contact point was.   It was ugly....

So we gathered up the pieces of my iPhone and continued our run toward lake Winona.  A friendly black and white dog came out to greet us as we approached Central Arkansas Water grounds at the lake, went into the driveway of the facility where I said hello to some co-workers.  Central Arkansas Water has staff at lake Winona full time to monitor the lake and the grounds there.  After a bathroom break we headed back toward Sylvia.

We crossed back over the low water bridge and back to the intersection that was two miles from our cars and decided we were not going to have enough miles.  I was worried about running out of water, but being as we were less than 5 miles from our cars I figured it was ok to continue on straight to get extra miles to make the 20 we needed.  As we passed the intersection, we started climbing a steep hill.  I had not been on this road before and it was nearing 9:30 in the morning and the heat was starting to climb.  As I climbed and climbed this hill I started to doubt the merits of this idea and turned back to my friend and said :"Ya know, I don't see any benefit in climbing this hill in the sun right now."  She quickly agreed and we promptly turned around and headed back down the hill.  We had added on about two miles with the out and back so fortunately only had about two miles left when we reached our cars.  Also fortunate because i ran out of water in my camelback at mile 17.5.

We got back to our car and realized we needed 1.75 miles to make 20 so after getting a fresh water bottle we took a short spur up to the Ouachita trail.  I'm so glad we did this because just a few weeks earlier I saw Karen Hayes pop out of this spur seeming out of nowhere smiling and trotting along with ultimate ultra runner confidence as if she had blaze the trail herself.   She ran to her car, refilled her bottle then disappeared onto another trail just as quickly as she appeared.  The woman has skills!    Now I'm learning them.  I want to be confident on the trails like Karen Hayes!  I can only get there by doing and doing is what I'm doing....or something like that...

After taking the spur, connecting to the Ouachita trail and making a loop back to the cars we ran through the camp ground to top off the mileage and ended with a perfect 20!  I was soooo happy, I got through it without my knee hurting and I felt great.  It was hot as hell but I still felt great!

Of course I had to go purchase a new phone, something I was not looking forward to, but the run was great.    My blueberry newtons from Fresh Market served me well.  I did not intend to purchase gourmet blueberry newtons for this trip but I was in the situation of finding myself at the expensive gourmet store purchasing sushi and ice cream when I realized I did not want to stop at Walgreen's for regular fig newtons.  I got the blueberry ones and they were alright.  I may get them from now on just for grins.  I was also in a hurry to get home to watch the opening ceremony of the Olympics so I was not going to make another stop.  Things to do...things to do...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Latest Music Downloads!

This morning I had a wonderful 5 mile run with my iPod!  Greatly enjoyed Lucky Twice, and Nero downloads.  Today I stumbled upon Gigolo Music.  I have no idea who these people are but I like it!

Here is more info:

Apparently it's part of a greater collection!  I will be looking into more of this.  I have almost filled my iPod.  It has now has 9 hours of great running tunes, many of which are still waiting to be discovered on my player.  That is what makes me want to get out and run. 


Monday, July 23, 2012

Newest running music download! I'm so Lucky Lucky!!!

Yes, I'm burning up that iTunes card I purchased at Bed Bath and Beyond really quickly!!!

My latest download is a song I heard on a commercial a year or so ago and googled it later.  It was, at the time, associated with a Japanese animated film or something. And the YouTube is Here:

The Artist is Twice Lucky, a Swedish Duo that had a short lived career.  Released their one song all across Europe but split up on 2010.  Oh well.....I got the song and I like it!!!

I suggest adding it to your running playlist!


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Yay! I'm feeling normal again!

This morning, I woke up knowing I was not going to run out at Lake Sylvia on trails.  For some reason I had the urge to run the Rivertrail and listen to my iPod.   I really wanted 20 miles and I wanted to run most of it. 

Here is the thing...if you run trails, you pretty much have to walk a lot.  Its advised that you actually walk up most of the hills, especially if you are going for a distance longer than 26.2 or if the trails are very technical.  Technical trails are a bitch to run and it's easy to come home with a twisted ankle or bloody knees at  least. 

I have done 10 miles and 15 miles on trails since recovering from my knee issue.   Those runs were great and confidence boosting, but there is something about running the long distance on roads without stopping to walk.   Now granted, I did stop twice to refill my water have to do that when It's 100 degrees outside.  I did stop and walk a small bit up the hill on the Two Rivers Bridge when I felt a twinge in my knee.  But only for a short time. Not even a quarter of a mile.  For most of the run I was running. 

This is what I needed today, to prove to myself that I could run long, full out, on asphalt as I did before the injury.  And that is what happened.  Now here is the rub.  I don't know exactly how far I went or how fast I ran because my Garmin died before mile 1 was even done.  Yep, "Old Reliable" let me down.  It said it had a full charge on it yesterday at work but when I went to turn it on I got the "Low battery screen of death"....I almost cried...

But I went anyway.   Had a great run.  I ran for about 3 hours at probably a 10 minute average pace when you consider some of the walking I did and the stopping to fill up water bottles and re adjust headphones and stuff like that.

It was a good day!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Back to the normal running stuff!

Ok, enough with the religious ranting...I really just needed to get those observations off my chest.  Sorry about that.

New Music download.

Nero  You and Me.

I don't know anything about this music, but what I heard on the iTunes sample sounded good and it was just a buck 99 so I got it.  Can't wait for my next run!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

I think running makes me smarter... Where running and Religion meet...

I often say to my co-workers, my job should pay me to run.  I figure out how to solve most of my work problems when I'm running.

I also seem to come up with answers to all the worlds problems, discover amazing parallels and come to complex conclusions. 

Now, a lot of my conclusions seem to come about politics, equality, women's rights and religion.  And if you know me you know I'm not religious at all.  And I do tend to offend lots of people with my conclusions and opinions.  So if you are easily offended by someone debunking religious doctrine, blasphemy, and downright disrespect for most things religions...please go away now.

When I go out for a run, one of the major things that gets brought to my attention by fellow runners and non runners alike is "Be careful", "Don't run alone","you should not be out there at night".  Many things like that.  I know the neighborhood and the places I run are full of wild animals, bears and dogs.  Well, dogs mostly that could chase me and knock me down and kill me, but for some reason I don't really think that is what they think I should be fearful of.

Another point.  I don't know if men are given this same advice.  If any guys out there who are runners are reading this, please chime in....Are you afraid to run alone at night or any other time?  Are you, male runner, advised in the most sincerest way to use the "buddy system"?  Do people tell you that you should not be running along?  Ever ?  I would venture to say that most of the times that advice is reserved for female runners.  and why?  what is to fear? I guess....That, other than the bears and dogs are the only other things it could be.

I have been lead to believe through my life I should fear men, men attack, rape, mug, kill.  mostly rape because they see you running and automatically think its an invitation to rape you.  I know its not really presented that way but....BUT...when you hear about a rape or many times do you hear..." she should not have been out there alone"  in other words "It was her fault for presenting herself for rape"  Come much as you say "That's not what I meant!"  it is what you really meant!!!   I get asked, "Do you not run with pepper spray to protect yourself?"  I say..."well, we have leash laws in the city"  most of the time that is not what they are thinking .  They are thinking that a man could attack me an rape me.  AND it might be my fault because I was running alone, in the dark.  It sounds scary just typing it!

(Whats even worse is when the most vile and crusty of onlookers will cite the runners clothes...short shorts....jog bra...OMG  seductive clothing....she was asking for it!!!  but I don't even have to go that far in this argument)

So we have presented the argument that women should not run along because men attack and rape.

Now AT THE SAME TIME....the SAME PEOPLE....who happen to be of certain religious persuasions...(Roman Catholic).  Understand that the church (Catholic Church), teaches strict laws about Birth control and abortion.  Now I'm not going to argue pro-choice vs anti-choice laws here, I'm simply stating the position of a very large and influential governing body that has a LOT of impact of public policy in this country.  They teach AGAINST birth matter what....Even for married couple who can have sex whenever they want.   When I was going to a Catholic high school I was taught that the only acceptable form of birth control under the church was the rhythm method.  Basically what this means is that you don't have sex when you think you may be fertile.  So picture this.  A man and a woman, married, obviously attracted to each other, living under the same roof, sleeping in the same bed BUT the man is not supposed to have sex with his wife when she is fertile.  He is to be the master of self control and if that couple does not want any more children the ARE NOT to use birth control and not have sex while the woman is ovulating.

Ok...I gotta call bullshit here.

So, if a man can sleep with a fertile woman, side by side in bed, be with her in the kitchen, see her getting dressed, watch her walking across the living room while the light shines through her dress and not have sex with her then why the hell should I be afraid to go for a run..

Why? Why does the church teach this?  Well, I have come to a conclusion.  In most cases, rape is not about sexual attraction.  It is about power and asserting control over a victim.  The Catholic church as been in control for so many year as a male dominated entity.  Unfortunately, they have deemed themselves impotent with the whole celibacy thing...

The First Lateran Council (1123), a General Council, adopted the following canons:
Canon 3: We absolutely forbid priests, deacons, and subdeacons to associate with concubines and women, or to live with women other than such as the Nicene Council (canon 3) for reasons of necessity permitted, namely, the mother, sister, or aunt, or any such person concerning whom no suspicion could arise.
Most cultures control their women through laws; denying the right to vote, own property and get credit under her own name.  Well, in the US, we have broken down those barriers and women can pretty much live their own lives and do whatever the hell they want without men, including have a child (sperm bank).  And when we got the right to terminate an unwanted seed in the 1960's that put the fear of women in the male dominated they had to go under the radar with their control methods.  The church had to determine a way to get back their male dominated validity intimidating women in another way.    So what can you do if you can't use your penis to control women?  Take away their reproductive rights!

The only way that the church can keep women from exercising their only defense against a male aggressor, her ability to terminate his seed, is to shame, guilt, and vilify her into thinking she is a slut for wanting to ...

So when women start to become a little too powerful in a society, the church rears its ugly head with a strong conservative push to eliminate birth control, abortion rights and anything else that gives women any control over their lives.

 "Its your fault you got raped, you dressed to seductively, you went out for a run alone at night"  Guilt, shame, BULLSHIT!!! 

So, my conclusion is.  Taking away reproductive rights is simply the churches way of denying women any defense against male dominance, Teaching shame and fear is how they enforce it.   These though patterns are so engrained in the human psyche that even non Catholics are buying it.

... "you should not run at night, you could get attacked or raped"....

...."If a married couple does not want any more children they should not have sex while the woman is fertile"

How do these two statements even exist in the same culture?  Why are women buying this bullshit?  They contradict each other so much that I think if they got together they could create dark matter!  Yet it occurs...

I hope we begin to evolve from this so that the next generation can live with out fear, guilt and shame. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Latest ITunes Download!

Gotta love my iPod.  At Bed Bath and Beyond right now you can purchase a $25 iTunes gift card for just $20!  So I did and redeemed that sucker yesterday.  My latest purchase is Free the Robots !!!

Great addition to my running playlist!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

5Ks, Painful, but you get done real quick...

So one of my running friends belongs to an organization that raises money to feed poor and homeless.  It's a religious organization, and anybody who knows me knows I'm not religious at all, but since its raising money to feed the poor I figured it was a good cause. 

On a side note, I see lots of homeless who have pets (dogs mostly) and I would love to challenge any organization to raise money to neuter/spay and vet pets of the homeless.  hint, hint...

Any way, this organization hosted a 5K this morning to raise money for their cause and I decided to run it.  Now, I normally am not a fan of 5K's but I made a concession for this one since my friend was helping to organize it.

Also, my wonderful friend, Misti Harper came in from Fayetteville and ran it with me and that made things even more fun!  She has become a really good runner over the last year and I'm really proud of her.  Yay Misti!!!

So we started the run in a much needed steady rain and finished in a drizzle.   The course was flat, mostly on the river trail and adjoining roads.  We started out at the soccer complex and ran along the road splashing though puddles like children, dodging goose poop and struggling to breath through the soupy high humidity that accompanies all those things.  The 5K is an icky distance, basically you kill yourself for 3 miles trying to run the whole thing as fast as you can.  You cat and mouse with people and pass and think you have overcome just to see them get their second wind and pass you 5 feet from the   But today was pretty good, no last minute passers and I managed to run pain free for the entire race.  I also won in the Masters age division.   Yep, Masters...that means I'm getting old.

When you get older you have more opportunities to win.  You have age group awards then if your over 40 you get Masters awards.  I'm not sure how this came about but I like it!

I heard my name and I went up to get my bobble head award.  She will go on my self at work and keep my other bobble head company.  Getting awards here and there like that makes running really fun.  You never know what you might come out with.

Friday, July 13, 2012

My Running Music or I'm an Itunes Junkie

Way back in the past I never ever ran with music.  I though ear buds were dangerous and I though people who wore them in marathons were rude when they did not respond to me when I talked to them.  I also hated the fact that people with headphones could not hear me coming from behind and would not make room on the course, and that using music during a marathon diluted the experience the marathon organizers put forth for you as far as their own entertainment. 

Well that was then....

I started using an iPod during the Frisco Rails to Trails 2011 when a friend had an extra iPod with a music mix on it.  I borrowed it, played the tunes which were current pop songs at that time.  I don't know what it is about the music,  the beat, the noise: for some reason, it helped me run faster I think.  Perhaps it was the tunes blocked out the sound of my own breathing, something that has always bothered me in the past.  It's weird being a runner and freaked out about the sound of your own breathing, but it happens to me...

Anyhoo, it all went by like lightning, Before I knew anything I was at mile 20 and I ran a great race.

I decided to have my friend put the mix on an extra iPod I had lying around and continued to use this for every race, marathon, and training run....I was one of THOSE people now!

Now I have expanded on the mix, recreated it completely to reflect my style of music more.  Every other Friday I'm allowed to download one new album.  In a lot of cases it's something I heard about on NPR.  Diplo's Express Yourself was one of those as well the Tribal album I downloaded.  Researching Diplo lead me to more electronic selections and my most recent purchase was Ninja Tuna, by Mr Scruff.  Perhaps if I'm good with my money I will download Free the Robots. 

So I have developed my own playlist that includes Lady GaGa, Katy Perry, LMFAO, Rihanna, DJ Morphius, Madonna, Asteroids Galaxy Tour, Gotye, T-Pain,  and of course Diplo, and Mr. Scruff. name a few. 6.6 hours of music that should keep me entertained on even the longest trail run. 

I highly recommend getting musical recommendations off NPR, All things Considered.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The River Trail and Two Rivers Park

I'm so happy I live in a city that values trails, outdoor spaces and develops a culture that encourages fitness.  Little Rock has slowly but surely developed it's River Trail system to include 20 miles of running and biking trails.  We have built 4 bridges that connect Little Rock and North Little Rock, and Little Rock with Maumelle Park and Two Rivers Park. 

This morning I ran from a parking lot near my home, over one of those bridges to a place called two rivers park.  This place used to only be accessible by driving far out of town on Hwy 10 then more driving on country roads.  At that time, it was rarely used.  I used the park a lot when I was first learning how to run though.  I knew the narrow lolly pop shaped loop was three miles and started out by trying to run the entire thing without stopping.  I remember the first time I did it.  I was shocked that I just ran three miles without stopping.  Later I went on to do two loops, then three.  The day I ran 9 miles was a huge milestone for me.  And I did it all at two rivers park way before there was a bridge, any homes or trails out past the road turn around.  It was deserted, quiet, and filled with wildlife.

Now the wildlife is still there remarkably!  I'm delighted at how all the new foot traffic and visitors have not deterred the deer from grazing and raising their young in this space.  but now it seems so much closer to the city.  Connected to Midtown/West Little Rock by a foot bridge.  Pretty amazing.  It crowded on the weekends but the weekday mornings are still severely quiet with the sound of frogs croaking up from the swamps and summer bugs.  I don't know what they are but they make that low buzzing sound that reminds you of summer. 

So Here is where I ran this morning in the sticky thick humidity dripping from low hanging vines off branches stretched over the trail creating a soggy canopy.  green specks floating over the water and the musky smell of swamp. 

I love this place!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Quote for the day!


And what I am expressing to you now is that there is no better. This is entirely a design and an illusion which is set forth through the influence of an aspect of the belief system of duplicity.
You are already best. You are already creating perfectly. Your beliefs are influencing your perception of yourself that you are not creating perfectly, and therefore you create judgments, and this sets in motion a very large wheel which moves quite rapidly, and it continues to turn and turn and turn, for as you create the judgment, you also reinforce the duplicity, which expresses once again to you that you are not adequate enough yet, that you could be creating better, that you will be experiencing no conflict at all IF you are creating better.
ALL of these expressions are influences of duplicity. ALL of these expressions camouflage the now and camouflage your perception, dictating to it that you are presently not adequate enough, not good enough, and not perfect.
And therefore, in the influence of that belief, as it dictates to your perception, you create an actual reality in which you view yourself to not be accomplishing perfectly yet, and you reinforce this and reinforce this and reinforce this with judgment and the continual perpetuation of viewing that you need be creating better.
I shall express to you what shall be better -- what shall be better would be for you to be eliminating the word "better" from your language! HA HA HA! "

 Elias Session - 619


I know little about this Elias..I plan to learn more.  Basically what I interpret this to mean is that we are wonderfully made just the way we are.  We don't need to wait or hope for better because we are the best we are right now.  I don't think this means there will never be improvement, because we always strive to improve.  I think it means we need to be happy with ourselves in our current state, and do what we want to do now and now wait until we think we are qualified to handle it.

I also think it is important to trust ourselves and our instincts.  Not rely on others for validation of our internal dialog that is telling us what is right for us.  To continue to look outward for validation will only wear out the people around you.  Inevitably you will start to value certain peoples opinions because you perceive they know something more than you do when actually they are only going by their own instincts.  Self doubt can be so crippling that you fail to develop your own inner dialog and instincts.

I also think there are times to just keep a low profile.   To not disclose every move and plan.  Here is a clue....if nobody knows your plans, and they fall through, you don't have to explain it to anybody.....There is nobody to report to afterward.  If you want to disclose your success after the success has been obtained, that's the ultimate reward! Go for it!